Q: [ Does DMSO have to be stored in glass bottles? ]
A: [ There is a common misconception that DMSO has to be stored in glass containers. It arises from the fact that over a long period DMSO can leach chemicals out of some types of plastic. However, HDPE ( high density polyethylene ) is suitable for the long term storage of DMSO and it is packed and shipped in this by the manufacturers. If you buy DMSO in plastic containers they should be HDPE ]
Q: [ Why has my pure liquid DMSO gone solid? ]
A: [ DMSO has a melting point of 18 degrees C. This means that in the winter or on cold days in the summer it can become solid. This is also a useful test of purity. If you dilute pure DMSO it will not go solid even below 0 degrees C. ]
Q: [ Why does my breath smell when using DMSO? ]
A: [DMSO has the ability ( when applied topically ) to pass through the skin. It is then metabolised by the body and converted to DMS ( dimethyl sulfide ) which has a strong garlic like odour.]
Q: [ If I am using DMSO topically does it need to be diluted? ]
A: [ Pure DMSO is normally diluted 7 parts DMSO to 3 parts distilled water. This is to minimise any skin irritation or mild burning sensation often associated with the topical use of DMSO. It should be diluted even more for sensitive areas. ]
Q: [ How long does pure DMSO last? does it have a sell by date? ]
A: [ Pure DMSO does not have a sell by date. It can last for years. It does sometimes have a retest date to comply with the manufacturers certificate of analysis. This is generally about 2 or 3 years after manufature ]